ntp.lonet.org stratum 2 time server pool

with NTS support - participating in the NTP pool project

IPv4 pool: ntp.lonet.org - IPv6 pool: ipv6.ntp.lonet.org

ntp1.lonet.org - Amsterdam, NL

IPv4 ntp1.lonet.org
IPv6 ipv6.ntp1.lonet.org 2001:470:1f15:1025::

MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
^- ntp0-1.lonet.org              1   6   377    76   -446us[ -446us] +/-   11ms
^- ntp0-2.lonet.org              1   6   377   169  -1991us[-2046us] +/- 4713us
^* ntp0.nl.uu.net                1   8   377    88   +222us[ +167us] +/- 1022us
^+ ntp1.time.nl                  1   8   377   203   -632us[ -687us] +/- 2283us
^- ntp2.oma.be                   1   8   377    94   +199us[ +143us] +/- 3625us
^+ ntp2.time.nl                  1   8   377    28   -825us[ -825us] +/- 2761us
^- ntp3.ptb.de                   1   8   377   240   +251us[ +197us] +/-   11ms
^+ time.esa.int                  1   8   377   140   +355us[ +299us] +/- 1480us
^- time.t3kkit.com               2   8   377   126   +771ns[  -55us] +/-   36ms
                     rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
       2024-06     25.64 GiB |   22.95 GiB |   48.59 GiB |  161.03 kbit/s
       2024-07     22.81 GiB |   20.10 GiB |   42.92 GiB |  160.26 kbit/s
     estimated     26.56 GiB |   23.41 GiB |   49.97 GiB |

                     rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
     yesterday    867.93 MiB |  785.64 MiB |    1.61 GiB |  160.54 kbit/s
         today    524.71 MiB |  484.64 MiB |    0.99 GiB |  156.80 kbit/s
     estimated    839.54 MiB |  775.43 MiB |    1.58 GiB |

ntp2.lonet.org - New York, US

IPv4 ntp2.lonet.org
IPv6 ipv6.ntp2.lonet.org 2001:470:1f07:653::

MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
^- clock.borgnet.us              1   8   377   206  -6036us[-6055us] +/-   49ms
^- ntp.mrow.org                  1   8   377   108    -72us[  -72us] +/-   33ms
^+ ntp.your.org                  1   8   377   139  -5387us[-5387us] +/-   11ms
^+ ntp1.versadns.com             1   8   377    68   -718us[ -718us] +/-   15ms
^+ tick.usno.navy.mil            1   8   377    88  +1213us[+1213us] +/-   27ms
^* time-a.nist.gov               1   8   377   146   +531us[ +512us] +/- 9450us
^+ tock.usno.navy.mil            1   8   377    62  +2621us[+2621us] +/-   26ms
^+ utcnist.colorado.edu          1   8   377   250   -332us[ -351us] +/-   20ms
^+ w2aiq.ddns.net                1   8   377   250  -4561us[-4579us] +/-   16ms
                     rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
       2024-06     85.75 GiB |   80.60 GiB |  166.34 GiB |  551.26 kbit/s
       2024-07     75.21 GiB |   70.58 GiB |  145.79 GiB |  544.39 kbit/s
     estimated     87.56 GiB |   82.18 GiB |  169.74 GiB |

                     rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
     yesterday      2.89 GiB |    2.76 GiB |    5.65 GiB |  561.45 kbit/s
         today      1.75 GiB |    1.69 GiB |    3.44 GiB |  547.89 kbit/s
     estimated      2.81 GiB |    2.70 GiB |    5.51 GiB |

ntp3.lonet.org - Frankfurt, DE

IPv4 ntp3.lonet.org
IPv6 ipv6.ntp3.lonet.org 2603:c020:800b:d010:2::

MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
^- ntp0-1.lonet.org              1   6   167   147  +4859us[+4859us] +/-   13ms
^+ ntp0-2.lonet.org              1   6   177   364  -1720us[-1724us] +/- 3499us
^+ ntp0.fau.de                   1   8   373    74  -3491us[-3491us] +/- 8169us
^+ ntp0.nl.net                   1   8   371    17  +1469us[+1469us] +/- 4008us
^- ntp1.ptb.de                   1   8   357   453  +3598us[+3594us] +/- 8131us
^- ntp2.ptb.de                   1   8   373    64  +2458us[+2458us] +/- 9232us
^+ ntp3.ptb.de                   1   8   373    44   +124us[ +124us] +/- 4703us
^- ntps1-1.cs.tu-berlin.de       1   8   373    34  +1582us[+1582us] +/- 8407us
^* rustime02.rus.uni-stuttga>    1   8   373    91   +668us[ +663us] +/- 2696us
                     rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
       2024-06     11.86 GiB |   14.53 GiB |   26.39 GiB |   87.45 kbit/s
       2024-07     10.91 GiB |   13.61 GiB |   24.52 GiB |   91.56 kbit/s
     estimated     12.70 GiB |   15.85 GiB |   28.55 GiB |

                     rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
     yesterday    416.03 MiB |  538.48 MiB |  954.50 MiB |   92.67 kbit/s
         today    243.63 MiB |  290.07 MiB |  533.70 MiB |   82.91 kbit/s
     estimated    389.81 MiB |  464.11 MiB |  853.92 MiB |

ntp4.lonet.org - Los Angeles, US

IPv4 ntp4.lonet.org
IPv6 ipv6.ntp4.lonet.org 2607:f130:0:103:ff:ff:8de7:3fa1

MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
^- clock.borgnet.us              1   8   377   225  +5909us[+5909us] +/-   24ms
^* ntp1.net.berkeley.edu         1   8   377   243   +846us[ +830us] +/- 7192us
^+ ntp2.net.berkeley.edu         1   8   377   205  +2817us[+2817us] +/- 7461us
^- time-a.bbnx.net               1   8   377   248  -1394us[-1410us] +/-   39ms
^- time-b.bbnx.net               1   8   377   237   +347us[ +347us] +/-   37ms
^- time-e-g.nist.gov             1   8   377   190  +4222us[+4222us] +/-   32ms
^- time2.google.com              1   8   377    52  +1631us[+1631us] +/-   23ms
^+ time3.google.com              1   8   367   133    -10ms[  -10ms] +/-   16ms
^- time4.facebook.com            1   8   377   258  +1665us[+1649us] +/-   37ms
                     rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
       2023-09    143.48 GiB |  125.00 GiB |  268.48 GiB |  889.75 kbit/s
       2023-10    111.46 GiB |  100.24 GiB |  211.70 GiB |    1.08 Mbit/s
     estimated    177.57 GiB |  159.70 GiB |  337.27 GiB |

                     rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
     2023-10-19     6.25 GiB |    5.53 GiB |   11.78 GiB |    1.17 Mbit/s
     2023-10-20     6.22 GiB |    5.98 GiB |   12.20 GiB |    2.65 Mbit/s
     estimated     13.58 GiB |   13.04 GiB |   26.62 GiB |